Towards a Digital Contact Zone: The Institutional Impact of Celf ar y Cyd within Museum Wales


Operating as a digital contemporary arts resource within both Amgueddfa Cymru (Museum Wales) and National Contemporary Arts Gallery for Wales, Celf ar y Cyd (Art Together) intends to enhance the accessibility of museum collections, through both an extensive programme of digitisation and an accompanying diversification of the voices that contribute to the ways in which collections are interpreted and understood. The potential benefit that this demonstrates is perhaps most obviously outward facing and, indeed, the intention for the initial phase of my data collection was to undertake a programme of qualitative research with those working with the resource within the museum, to evaluate this external benefit from an institutional perspective. During initial thematic evaluation, however, a series of more internal benefits consecutively emerged. Investigation of these forms the basis of this paper, which will consider three interconnected aspects of this institutional impact. Firstly, this paper discusses the practicalities of the variously collaborative method of working which Celf ar y Cyd incorporates, primarily within Amgueddfa Cymru. This is then expanded to consider the different values that this facilitates, discussing the inter-related benefits of process and challenge at both theoretical and practical level. Findings are also positioned within the wider framework of ‘a digital contact zone’, understanding of which my PhD research intends to contribute to, as a space where the varied creative uses and responses that are facilitated by Celf ar y Cyd might develop an understanding of the museum as community, in various ways.


Kirstin Mitchell
Student, Collaborative CDP PhD, University of Cardiff/Amgueddfa Cymru, Cardiff [Caerdydd GB-CRD], United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Collaboration, Challenge, Process, Contact Zone, Digital