Green Deals: Climate Protection and Sustainability in German Art Museum and Exhibition Policy


Since the European Green Deal Year 2019, art museum and exhibition policy in Germany and parts of Europe has begun to realign itself with a green transformation agenda. In an open letter to the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (November 7, 2019), directors of leading German art museums called for Germany to make a more ambitious commitment to environmental protection to achieve the European climate policy goals and advocated a “Green New Deal” for museums and depots. The study discusses the significance of the European Green Deal for current and future art museum and exhibition policy in Germany: What goals, strategies and measures does it include? How is the action plan being implemented? Based on Garthe’s theory of the sustainable museum (Garthe 2023), exemplary pilot projects on the way to a climate-neutral art museum are presented, including the Museum Ludwig in Cologne and the Bundeskunsthalle (Federal Art Hall) in Bonn. The focus of the analysis is on the interplay between internal sustainability, i.e. the optimization of museum operations in terms of climate protection and sustainability, and external sustainability, i.e. the eco-social impact of museums on visitors and society as a whole.


Birgit Mersmann
Professor of Contemporary Art and Digital Image Cultures, Institute of Art History, University of Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Sustainability, Art Museum, Green Deal, Museum and Exhibition Policy