Sri Lankan Cave Temple: Site A In-situ and Digital Mural Color Trial Study


Ancient Sri Lankan Buddhist cave temples’ mural collections are symbolic, sacred, and colorful. Murals evoke feelings of magic, mystery, and religious devotion. Limited literature exists regarding Sri Lankan mural collections. Researchers investigate murals and document their color palettes. They postulated diverse observers (i.e. age, eye health) may see mural colors differently. As part of a larger, ongoing study, the research team explored one mural, located at Site A in Sri Lanka. After observing the mural in-situ, researcher-participants determined the existing lighting did not illuminate well enough to ascertain color nuances. They searched online and located a photograph of the mural. They utilized CorelDRAW (a vector graphics editor) to digitally extract mural’s colors; create color palette. The resulting 16 color samples were printed and studied. Researcher-participants independently matched CorelDRAW samples to industry-produced and printed paint chips. Paint chips were compared to a standard color wheel; hues were identified. Demographics and current eye health status were self-reported. Preliminary trial revealed researcher-participants did not select identical color matches for studied mural. Sixteen total color chips were selected and hues ranged from red to blue to yellow and their secondary colors. Individual selections varied. Demographics: three males; 25-42 years old; vision: excellent to limited. Resulting color palette and photos of researchers-in-action are presented. Observers may have different experiences when viewing murals. Some religious symbolism and mystery, related to color, may be differently interpreted. Collection managers may learn insights regarding observer experiences. Additional studies should be conducted on more murals with more diverse participants.


Paulette R. Hebert
Professor, Design and Merchandising, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session




Murals,Color,In-situ,Digital,Trial Study