Tactile Art Show: A Multisensory Art Experience for the Visually Impaired


A groundbreaking art exhibit specifically crafted to cater to individuals with visual impairments, providing them with an immersive and inclusive art experience. This unique exhibit redefines the traditional visual-centric approach to art by focusing on tactile and audible elements that enable individuals to explore and appreciate art in innovative ways. The exhibit features a carefully curated collection of tactile artworks, sculptures, and installations, inviting visitors to engage with the pieces through senses other than vision. To facilitate navigation sensory wayfinding techniques will be used, such as textured pathways and audible cues, allowing visitors to independently explore the space. Braille labels and audio guides provide additional context and information about each artwork, fostering a deeper connection between the art and its audience. An adaptive device will be provided to sighted visitors so they can fully experience the show; seeking to challenge preconceptions about art accessibility, promoting a more inclusive and diverse cultural landscape. By prioritizing the sensory experiences of the visually impaired, the exhibit creates an enriching environment that transcends traditional barriers and encourages a broader appreciation of art for all.


Dorothy Lovelace
Graduate Field Administrator, Cornell University, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Inclusion, Blind, Museums, Visitors, Arts, Diversity, Disability, Education, Curators, Exhibitions