Design Forward - Inclusive Exhibitions and Changing Institutions : The Impact of Exhibition Design Towards Access for Visitors and Collections


Exploring the symbiotic relationship between exhibition design, spatial planning, and inclusive practices as key determinants of building accessibility within the expansive confines of museum and gallery institutions. Grounded in a multidisciplinary approach, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of collection engagement within large institutions versus in the public, drawing insights from over 10 years of the author’s extensive experience in managing the production and delivery of contemporary art installations and architectural exhibition builds across art festivals, cultural institutions, and galleries in Australia and Europe. Informed by theories of interactive design when designing for the public, it delves into strategies to mitigate physical and intellectual barriers, emphasising the significance of cultivating an environment that transcends space and supports a diverse range of content. This conversation represents a unique perspective to the discourse on considering the role of the Exhibition Designer both in and outside of large institutions, and how we create inclusive environments with accessible technology in both physical and digital realms.


Holly Riding
Lead of Exhibitions, Exhibitions, State Library of Queensland, Queensland, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Exhibition Design, Design Forward, Museum and Gallery Institutions, Art Collections