MUSE Easy to Read: An Easy Way to Explore the Museum


“MUSE Easy to Read” is an easy-to-read- and -understand museum guide, written in Easy to Read (EtR) language, which is an European standard of simplified writing. Through a series of rules about sentence structuring and using of terms, it makes the content easier to read and understand for everyone. In full compliance with the saying “Nothing about us without us”, the easy-to-read MUSE guide was designed and written in collaboration with the EtR Group of Anffas Trentino onlus (made up of people with different disabilities) and published after a year and a half of reviews, guided tours and a patient work, in order to reduce and translate the texts provided by the museum’s staff. In addition, this inclusion purpose merged with the multicultural view of MUSE by translating the EtR italian guide in five languages (German, English, French, Russian and Spanish). This work of translation involved ten students from the “Sophie Scholl” Linguistic High School in Trento (Italy). Moreover, the museum staff attended specific training to learn to realize the same guide in AAC (Augmentative Alternative Communication) symbolic language, with the scientific support of the Center for Augmentative Communication of Milan and Verdello (Italy), using software that allows the morphological translation of scientific texts.


Romana Scandolari
MUSE - Museo delle Scienze - VAT: IT00653950220, Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza nr. 3 - 38122 Trento, MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy

Alessandro Zen
Funzionario Coordinatore, Public Programs Office, MUSE Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Accessibility, Inclusion, Multilingualism, Easy To Read, Augmentative Alternative Communication