The Digital as a Catapult for Art to Manifest: The Case of the Covid Art Museum (CAM)


This article explores the case of the Covid Art Museum (CAM) as an unprecedented investigation, regarding the first museum in the world in 100% digital format created by artists from all over the world in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The foundation of the study lies in (1) originality, as it is the first research on the subject, and (2) the topicality of the subject, since it is a project created in a pandemic and continues to be developed. The methodology of the research work follows several phases, carrying out an analysis of headlines regarding the museum based on pre-determined parameters, a graphic study of the logo, a review of the expansion of the museum beyond the digital and, finally, an analysis of the artistic typologies of contemplated works. It is concluded that the museum constitutes a platform for emerging artists and, also, for the society that seeks to stay close to new expressions of art.


Camila Ulloa
Student, Valparaiso, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Mária, Chile


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Digital trends in the world of culture and the arts