Innovations in Material and Space: Sustainability Goals in Practice and Inclusivity through Multi-sensorial Exhibitions


The 21st century is immersive. Whether this immersion is a direct result of the changing climate or if it refers to the increased dependence on encompassing technological advancements. The museum viewer is drawn from this world of extremes and attention-grabbing media and thrown into spaces of peace and quiet contemplation. Unfortunately, many of these viewers are also lacking the capacity for the necessary concentration in order to be fully present in the traditional museum space. Luckily, innovations in both sustainable technologies and multi sensorial design tackle topics of both attentiveness and accessibility. By integrating sustainability goals and diverse inclusivity needs in practice, museums could be at the forefront of experiential immersion. In this workshop presentation, innovations in technology for both the constructed environment and exhibition related technologies and formats will be explored. Participants will be led through a series of activities toward creating their own vision for an immersive ecological space.


Olivia A Carye Hallstein
Student, Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning , Tufts University, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation




Immersion, Innovation, Attention, Environment, Technologies, Materials, Constructs, Ecological