Talking Circle: Theme 2 - Collections // Theme 3 - Representations

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Theme 2 - Collections

On the practices and processes of collecting and curating.

  • The changing work of the curator
  • Exhibition didactics: the dynamics of visitor learning
  • The idea of ‘heritage’: changing conceptions of what counts
  • Authenticity, decontextualization and recontextualization of objects-on-show
  • Custodianship and community assets: meanings and purposes for the museum
  • Representing social and cultural intangible heritage
  • The ‘ethnographic’ and the ‘anthropological’: framing first peoples and other ‘traditions’
  • Technologies in the museum
  • Arts in the museum
  • Environment in the museum
  • The process of acquisition: competing demands and limited resources
  • Conservation, preservation: negotiating changing priorities
  • Artifacts: what are the objects of the museum?
  • Places for amateurism: barefoot repositories and the self-made museum

Theme 3 - Representations

On museums as repositories and communicators of culture and knowledge.

  • Museums as knowledge makers
  • Museums as cultural creators
  • Architectonics: designing buildings and information architectures
  • Research and investigation in the museum
  • Measuring knowledge ‘outputs’
  • Intellectual property: commons versus commercialism?
  • Knowledge management paradigms and practices
  • ‘Neutrality’, ‘balance’ and ‘objectivity’; or ‘narrative’ and ‘politics’? The knowledge rhetorics of the museum
  • Knowledge frames: modern and postmodern museums
  • Cross connections: with libraries, with galleries, with educational institutions, with arts centers
  • The digitization of everything: from collection objects to media representations
  • The virtual museum
  • Online discoverability and public access
  • Museums in and for the knowledge society: preserving heritage ‘born digital’
  • New literacies: changing the balance of creative agency in the era of the Internet and new media
  • Addressing the digital divide
  • Digital disability access
  • Cataloguing, metadata, discovery and access
  • Internet standards, semantic publishing and the semantic web

Digital Media

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