Investigating and Analyzing Strategies to Interest the New Generation and Minorities in History and Museums


History, culture and museum are three words that make the heritage of a nation and land. Museums play a constructive role in elucidating the past and are considered a first-hand source for historians. But what attractive features should a museum have to attract people from all walks of life? An important element is culture building right in schools, universities, recreational and scientific centers, so that people first get to know their history and identity, and in the next stage, they look at the museum as the main and vital factor. Today’s reader should know what he is looking for in the museum and whether the museum meets his needs to study history or not. This is done in order to target museums. People who even work as employees in the museum should have high social, verbal, philosophical and psychological skills and be able to attract the audiences in different age groups and religious, religious, and sexual minorities. If a person becomes a supporter and lover of the museum, it is difficult to take back the love for the history and culture of the past from him. New and modern topics such as gender and sexual orientations, sexual minorities, and modern life should be among the main topics of museums in the present era to attract audiences from all over the world.


Hedieh Eskandari
Student, Master's Degree, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Archeology, Iranian Museum,Sexual minorities