The Rise of Web 2.0 and Intrusion on the ‘Aesthetics of Death’


This paper considers the development of Web 2.0 in digital technology that has led to differences in the presentation and understanding of human sentiments regarding death. The idea of Web 2.0 allows users to do more than just retrieve information; it comprises a social element where the users produce and distribute content, and are independent of their own to share and reuse. This includes many social networking sites, but this paper attempts explicitly to study two popular sites Facebook and Twitter. It has been said that life is beautiful; however, the conversation about death, which adds beauty to life, is always shifted away. Death has there in life; therefore, life is beautiful. The assault has begun by today’s users in the aesthetics of death by humiliating it. Death is a bag of mysteries, but its’ users have mocked it in several ways. Due to this, the sentiment and depth of the death have only limited to the writing of a few words for the sake of writing. Such activities misinterpret the value and beauty of death through these mediums. Condolences on someone’s death are so easily and hurriedly written by people that no one assesses the impact that have on the close ones. However, web 2.0 users snatch the essence of death that is connected with aestheticism and plastered their walls with ‘RIP’ by sidelining the essence of death. Aestheticism is a philosophical tool, which may be applied to repair the damage caused by Web 2.0, the aesthetics of death.


Swaroop Gc
Mphil Scholar, Kathmandu University, Kathmandu University, Gandaki, Nepal

Hari Maya Subedi Gc
Teacher, Namuna Montessori


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session

