Re-thinking the Virtual Museum Experience through Piranes's Worlds


Piranesi’s Worlds, a VR experience for the Meta Quest, recreates and re-interprets 18th century, Italian artist Giovanni Piranesi’s original immersive two-dimensional views through interactive virtual reality. Part multi-player video game, part art history lesson, and part wearable museum, Piranesi’s Worlds elaborates and extends elements of Piranesi’s original engravings in ways that point to both the future and the history of immersive design and communication. It is one of the first VR museums which breaks away from the conventional approach of recreating existing museums or curated rooms to showcase artworks. Instead, it takes an innovative approach to curating not only the artwork but the immersive world of experiences possible in VR. This approach opens up new possibilities for how museums can engage and educate audiences in immersive experiences. This goes beyond the traditional museum experience, making it more engaging and interactive not possible in a physical museum.


Jason Porter
Instructor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications / Visual Communications, University of South Carolina, South Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase




Virtual Reality, Piranesi, Immersive, Video Game, Art History, Wearables, Engraving