Disability Integration - Towards a Shared and Inclusive Museum


As public cultural institutions, museums should take responsibility to serve everyone equally. Therefore, it is one of the important tasks of museums today to provide barrier-free access to the disabled and meet their needs for history and art without discrimination. Environmental accessibility, service accessibility, and information accessibility are used to assess the accessibility of the museums. Although many museums in Beijing are equipped with good infrastructure, they lack experience and don’t know how to serve people with disabilities, which may affect access. Based in Beijing, China, this study investigates the accessibility problems of 10 major museums. On the basis of the investigation, this research forms some recommendations, a training document, and a Handbook on Disability Integration in Museums. The training document is aimed to improve the service of museum staff. And the Handbook of Disability Integration is to make the museum more inclusive and shared. The handbook includes topics such as “What is Disability? ”“What does museum accessibility mean?”“What is Disability Integration?”“Guide for Visitors with Disabilities (How to help the visually impaired? How to help wheelchair users? How to help the hearing impaired? How to help the speech-impaired? )”“ Communication Etiquette with disabled people”. We believe that only if the museums have inclusive environments and friendly and approachable staff, can people with disabilities truly access and enjoy them.


Yishuai Ding
Intern, Disabled Sisters Best, China

Bei Xiao Ding
College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

Weijie Chen
China Agricultural University

Jiaqi Zhang
China Agricultural University

Bai Yuning
China Agricultural University

Xuan Yi
Intern, Disabled Sister Best, Beijing, China


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase




Disability Integration, Accessibility, Inclusive Museum