Utilizing Asynchronous Learning Spaces to Explore Constructing Visitor Engagement


This session explores an asynchronous online special topics course about museums, created for undergraduate students at a private arts college. The study briefly unpacks the seven guiding themes of the course that were scaffolded to prepare students for their final project–designing a museum engagement for visitors in a hypothetical museum space. We review several examples of final student projects and course reflections to see if/how these students’ understandings of the role of museums and visitor engagement changed as a result of the course. We end with a review of if/ how scenario based course design might help prepare students to pursue careers in museums.


Kathryn Medill
Assistant Professor, Liberal Arts, Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Colorado, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Student Learning, Asynchronous Learning, Applied Practice, Course Design, Visitor Engagement