Storytelling in Museums : Case Study of Traditional Iranian Coffeehouses


Representing social and cultural intangible heritage in museums can be a complex and challenging task. Intangible heritage refers to the practices, traditions, knowledge, and expressions that are passed down from generation to generation within a community and are not tangible or physical objects. One way to represent intangible heritage in museums is through storytelling. Traditional Iranian coffeehouses, also known as “qahveh-khaneh,” have a long history in Iranian culture. They were among the most influential socio-cultural places for a long time, they had become permanent places for the performance of Iranian traditional-religious storytelling shows. In this qualitative research, the Mixed methodology is used. The storytelling concept is investigated and the past and present status of some of the traditional coffee houses in Iran are analyzed. This paper introduces a conceptual framework to showcase social and cultural intangible heritage in museums.


Mozhgan Hassani Kouchaki
Adjunct Faculty, School of Architecture, Anant National University, Gujarat, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Museum Transformations: Pathways to Community Engagement


Storytelling, Museum, Iranian coffeehouses, Intangible heritage