Storypath - Actively Engaging Elementary Children in Learning about Museums: Building Meaningful Partnerships Between Schools and Museums


This session provides a hands-on experience to demonstrate the Storypath approach to teaching and learning, a pedagogy that uses story elements: setting, character, and plot. Learners immerse themselves in the work of the museum as they engage in the creation of a museum (the setting) taking on the roles of museum staff (the characters) to research, plan, and design a museum to better understand a culture or time in history. The critical incident (plot) of the story presents challenges in organizing the museum exhibits as learners are confronted with how to create an inclusive museum where everyone feels welcomed. These real-world issues place into context a lived experience through the Storypath approach, opening doors to learning that are meaningful and memorable. Added benefits to this pedagogical approach include engagement for learners, the ability to differentiate learning opportunities based on learners’ interests and skills, and the integration of social studies understandings while applying literacy skills in contexts—the real work of exhibit designers. When learners construct their own museum, they are more insightful, curious, and engaged when visiting museums because they too have grappled with the fundamental issues of creating a vibrant and educational experience for others. Further, learners are gaining an understanding of the important role of museums in society and the challenges of planning and sharing information with an audience.


Margit McGuire
Professor, Teacher Education, Seattle University, Washington, United States

Laurie Stevahn
Professor of Education, Leadership and Professional Studies, Seattle University, Washington, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2023 Special Focus—Museum Transformations: Pathways to Community Engagement


Elementary Students, Storypath, Active Learning, Problem-Solving, Authentic Engagement, Inclusiveness