Power and Praxis - Reculturing Museums: Changing the "Way We Do Things Around Here"


We examine Power and Praxis, by first, conducting a power analysis of museums, critically reflecting on the status quo. Second, we explore how theory can inform practical day to day operations of museums (Praxis). Using both lecture and small/large groups this dialogic workshop provides participants tangible tools for change. Power analyses follow reculturing museums protocol (RMP) (Ash, 2022), specifically the ways in which 1. museums organize themselves vertically and horizontally, 2. issues of deficit orientation and historical hegemony; practical tensions and dialectical relationships 3. the value of critical reflection. 4. the value of theory in achieving Praxis 5. relationships with community and 6. an overview of the Change Process. You will come away with practical but theoretically grounded strategies for change as well as a handbook to share with colleagues.


Doris Ash
Student, PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz , California, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2023 Special Focus—Museum Transformations: Pathways to Community Engagement


Reculturing, Museums. Power, Praxis, Transformation, Community