The Inclusive Way as an Alternative Museum: Confluences of Tactical Museologies and Artistic Practices of Emergency


This paper delves into the experiences of the Inclusive Way Museum, which is focused on generating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by experimenting, documenting, and creating archives of artistic practices. The researcher Reinaldo Laddaga describes these experiences as Estéticas de la Emergencia (Art of Emergency), which are cultural ecologies or experimental communities that use contemporary strategies of participation to construct democratic alternatives and develop new narratives and emergent memory forms. These experiences aim to pursue the common good, re-imagine human rights, and activate the construction of new forms of citizenship. The notion of tactical museologies proposed by Gustavo Buntinx and Ivan Kamp becomes a key category for interpreting the Inclusive Way Museum. Tactical museologies suggest that the museum idea can be a significant factor in the creation and consolidation of communities, but it can also be subject to debate or questioning in that process. In the case of the Inclusive Way Museum, the museum idea is conceived and articulated through artistic practices, with diverse communities responding to crisis and emergency contexts. The confluence between Tactical Museologies and Aesthetics of Emergency (Art of Emergency) becomes relevant in the context of the new definition of a Museum, proposed and approved by ICOM 2022, where community participation takes on a special role. Therefore, the experiences of the Inclusive Way Museum offer valuable insights into how museums can promote DEI, foster civic engagement, and support community development.


Gerardo A. Zavarce
Founder, The Inclusive Way Museum, Dominican Republic

Andreina Fuentes
Director and Founder, Arts Connection Foundation, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Museum Transformations: Pathways to Community Engagement


Alternative Museums, Tactical Museologies, Artistic Practices, Social Inclusion, Community Participation