Museums as Meeting Spaces: Dialogues between Art Collections


The public and private institutions that own pieces of art have a wide collection that covers diverse themes in order to present their museum research lines, within which from the exhibition in their permanent and temporary halls, it is possible to establish dialogues between the pieces that are there and that have a different nature. The State Institute of Culture of Guanajuato has a collection of more than 5,000 pieces ranging from religious art to contemporary art, where its seven museums have worked on different proposals for exhibitions between collections, both those found within its own repository and external ones from other public or private institutions. The objective of this research is to analyze art and promote exhibitions that encourage reflection and new readings of the works through dialogue and mediation between different collections, with a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and explanatory methodology. This project presents the concepts of the exhibitions exhibited in 2020, 2021 and 2022, where the different collections have been placed on the same stage to establish dialogues and build bridges to address current themes and issues, turning museums into meeting points, crossroads, places of tradition and contradiction, resistance, collisions, fusions and social transformation, keeping them as incomparable places of discovery that allow us to know our past and open our visions to new reasoning, generating a positive change in society.


Ana Renata Buchanan Zarate
Coordinadora de Exposiciones, Dirección de Museos y Artes Visuales, Instituto Estatal de la Cultura, Guanajuato, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Museum, Art, Space, Dialogue, Collection, Exhibition