Culture - an Experience Built by Everyone and Usable by Everyone: Making Museum Inclusion an Expression of a Cultural Rehabilitation Philosophy for All


Inclusion and accessibility, two words that make sense when seen in terms of relational reciprocity. Culture, a word used too abstractly, and can represent the set of intellectual knowledge that is acquired through study, deepening, reworking of knowledge. But it is experiences, from the most natural and instinctive to the most complex ones, that build culture. Our museum model arises from the concept of experience and takes the form of a rehabilitation of the cultural experience, that is, accompanying the experience and not transmitting information. The goal is to allow everyone to gain experience with respect and dignity, intercepting curiosity and motivation. Method The cultural rehabilitation experience project involved public and private museums, which were guaranteed a mechanism of specialist services in the field of disability so that each user, regardless of any physical, sensory, cognitive disability, can actually access the information: environment/quality spatial - environmental - structural and learning for all; digital - web and app in dialogue with space; smart codes - “easy to read” content. Implications At the basis of our usable and accessible museum project we find a fundamental moral and ethical commitment towards which we define: the enhancement of people with disabilities in the design phases intended as a path of professionalizing dialogue; recognition of cultural experience as a right/duty of all; foster the curiosity to learn as a process to achieve well-being in terms of autonomy, competence and relationship; create more immediate and usable interfaces for everyone - all in compliance with the regulatory framework.


Chiara Mastantuono
Vice Presidente, Fondazione Officina dei Sensi, Ascoli Piceno, Italy

Fabio Fornasari
Direttore Scientifico, Accessibilità Culturale, Istituto dei Ciechi F. Cavazza, BO, Italy

Mirco Fava
Director, Fondazione Officina dei Sensi, Ascoli Piceno, Italy

Lucilla Boschi
coordinator of Accessibility Projects, Cooperativa Sociale Habilis Lavoro, Ascoli Piceno, Italy


Presentation Type

Poster Session

