Origins Virtual Museum


This research deals with the collaborative development of an Origins Virtual Museum. The research uses the methodological approach entitled “design base research” (DBR) or development research. The study has a social constructivist approach towards the construction of a virtual learning environment when the participating community recognizes that the subjects acquire metacognition (build knowledge, self-awareness) and self-regulation of this knowledge (autonomy) when interacting with the environment. Its data collection instruments are collaborations, activity protocol, audio and video recorder, and semi-structured interviews online. The collaboration process involves communities of Bantu, Yoruba, Portuguese, and tupinambá origin, which is a term derived from Tupi tubüb-abá, which means “descendants of the first countries,” as Eduardo Bueno affirms. In addition to other populations, which are drawn in the local civilizational arches and how they influence the daily life of this territoriality. The framework of analysis is developed and structured with the notions of black “arkhé” and “territoriality”, linked to the symbolic and existential aspects of black populations in urban or rural contexts, according to studies by researcher Narcimária Luz. Also the concepts of “otherness” used by the Franco-Lithuanian philosopher Emmanuel Levinas and the concept of “people” used by the Argentinian philosopher Enrique Dussel. Through these dialogues, analyzes of the black insurgencies and the original peoples in the lands given to Mr. António Ataíde are developed.


Rosângela Accioly Lins Correia
Student, Doutoranda, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil

Alfredo Eurico Rodrigues Matta
Pesquisador do CNPQ


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2023 Special Focus—Museum Transformations: Pathways to Community Engagement


Arches, Territoriality, Alterity, People, Museum