Embodied Experience in Museums from the Metaverse Perspective: The Case Study of Dunhuang Special Exhibition in Hong Kong Heritage Museum


In recent years, Metaverse has become one of the hottest topics, and characteristics such as hyperreality, interaction, and participation in Metaverse also meet the development requirements of museums. Therefore, many museums have attempted to create personalized Metaverse exhibitions to improve the visitors’ visiting experience. In the research, two questions are mainly explored. First, what different kinds of embodied experiences might museum exhibitions bring to the visitors from the Metaverse perspective? In addition, do these different kinds of embodied experiences positively or negatively affect the visitors? Consequently, this research has taken the Dunhuang Special Exhibition in Hong Kong Heritage Museum (HKHM) as a case study, and through semi-structured interviews to collect 12 audiences’ visiting data. This research found that learning experience and entertainment experience are the most obvious results of embodied experience from the Metaverse perspective. Different interaction and participation modes arouse the visitors’ curiosity, provide much fun, and help alleviate stress. In addition, the embodied narrative experience and the embodied introspective experience are the two kinds of experiences that visitors give more feedback on in this exhibition. Visitors and exhibits can complete the narrative story together through participation in person, thus constructing their unique understanding of the story. Similarly, the visitors’ digital media experience has aroused their independent reflection, thus forming a new understanding of culture or history. Finally, this research believes that with the progress of technology and ideas, museums from the Metaverse perspective could provide richer experiences for visitors.


Shengwei Chen
Student, Phd Candidate, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Jeffrey Shaw

Runqi Zou
Master Student, Tourism, Fundan University, Shanghai, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Audiences; Museum; Metaverse; Embodied experience; Digital technology