Digitalization of Museums: A Threat or an Opportunity?


Museums serve to cultural sustainability by displaying both tangible and intangible heritage however they are much more than just venues where collections are displayed. Museums are currently regarded as a valuable communication tool since they provide and transmit a wide range of experiences for education, entertainment, contemplation, and information exchange. They also play an important role in making culture inclusive and accessible to a wide range of audience, as well as encouraging diversity and sustainability. The adoption of new technologies and interaction concepts is one of the keys for addressing the public. As a result of the adoption of these new technologies, museums have undergone several digitalization processes and independently established virtual museums and hence, digitalized museums have entered our lives. The research is based on the question if digitalization of museums, which gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic period, create a threat or an opportunity for museums and their sustainability. This research aims to determine the positive and negative effects of digitalization on museums and to discuss the sustainability of museums. In this research, which is shaped around the comparative-qualitative research method, comparisons and evaluations are made on the effects of digitalization on sustainability of museums, with the indicators to be obtained from the literature review. This investigation is limited to most frequently visited art museums worldwide that have gone through the digitalization process to create virtual museums.


Erhan İlhan
Student, MSc.Int.Arch, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey

Özlem Olgaç Türker
Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University, Ammochostos, Cyprus

Ugur Ulas Dagli
Eastern Mediterranean University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Digital collections, Virtual museums, Cultural sustainability, Digital transformation, Post-pandemic