Blind Engagement in Accessible Museum Projects: The Introduction of Participatory Practices in Contemporary Art Institutions


The research was conducted in Italy, Croatia and Ireland during the BEAM UP project (2020-2023) co-funded by the Creative Europe program. is a project born to help museums to move from the production of services for the blind to the production of services done together with the blind in the field of contemporary art. The project foresees the activation of three local mixed working groups, in Italy, Croatia and Ireland, composed of museum professionals, the blind and visual disability experts. Working together for two and a half years they will study the design, planning, organisation and realisation of accessibility actions. They are starting from a ground level approach that will hopefully provide visually impaired people with more effective solutions, because they will be developed with the direct participation of the final users. Local practices will be compared, help and advice will be given, and scientifically validated by an international group of experts.


Giulia Grassini
Project Manager, European Planning, Atlante Servizi Culturali, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Museum Transformations: Pathways to Community Engagement


Accessibility, Audience Engagement, Inclusion, Contemporary Art, Design for all, Blindness