Evaluation as Exhibition: Sharing Authority through the Vision Lab


In and outside of the museum community we often hear how the principles of shared authority and accountability can help create space for everyone. In theory these ideas promote the welcoming of multiple perspectives, the empowerment of communities, and help organizations shed impressions of elitism and exclusion that continue to plague the public’s perception of museums - but what do they look like in practice? Find out in this session where you’ll learn how the Missouri Historical Society explored the idea of shared authority to strengthen the museum’s accountability to its community by launching Vision Lab – an exhibition dedicated entirely to gathering visitor feedback through interactive, fun, and unique ways. You’ll hear testimony on how departments from across the museum sat down at the same table to figure out how to best get visitor-driven data and insight on some of the museum’s biggest projects, get a first-hand look at the community’s initial response to the exhibition, and hear reflections on the process so far.


Victoria Eudy
Manager, Institutional Evaluation, Missouri Historical Society, Missouri, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Visitor Studies, Evaluation, Community Engagement, Shared Authority, Accountability