Inclusive Way Museum: Confluences of Tactical Museology and Artistic Practices of Emergency


This paper explores the experiences of the Inclusive Way Museum, whose collection and exhibition deployment is focused on experimenting, documenting, and creating archives of artistic practices aimed at generating alternatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). These experiences form what the researcher Reinaldo Laddaga describes as Estéticas de la Emergencia (Art of Emergency) (2006), cultural ecologies or experimental communities, whose forms of organization, production, and communication are linked to contemporary strategies of participation, the construction of democratic alternatives, and the development of new narratives and the design of emergent memory forms.


Andreina Fuentes
Director and Founder, Arts Connection Foundation, Florida, United States

Gerardo A. Zavarce
Founder, The Inclusive Way Museum, Dominican Republic


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Identity construction-Immigration-Human Care-Global democratic crisis-Art practices innovation