Augmenting and Cloning Museums for Engagement Onsite and Online


Musuem 3.0 was the creation of complex communication channels that strengthened museums’ roles in communities by preserving culture, disseminating information, gathering feedback, and promoting visits to museums through platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook which allow museum-goers and potential patrons to share, comment on, and develop knowledge about artworks and exhibitions, increasing media exposure for the museum. The Covid-19 pandemic saw a rise in digital literacy and museum stand poised to encompass new technologies. Augmenting museums using AR and digital twins through immersive environments in virtual reality (VR) are the next evolution. This study walks-through practical ideas from QR codes to the affordances of virtual reality delivered through a browser or headset through case studies in Japan that work with current technologies and give insight into what the metaverse might hold for museums.


Amelia Ijiri
Lecturer, Culture and Linguistics, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2023 Special Focus—Museum Transformations: Pathways to Community Engagement


Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Engagement, Democratizing