Science Museums, Culture, and Heritage: Are Deaf People Welcome?


Access to leisure and culture is a universal right set out in national and international laws and regulations. Museums have become “privileged spaces for social inclusion” that create a new form of approach to art that is based on interaction, which is considered the main form of approach to art (Marín-Viadel et al., 2014). However, despite the efforts made by the different museums and heritage centers to comply with the European and Spanish strategies for universal access to heritage, there are still important gaps to fill. This is due to the lack of a common comprehensive accessibility plan that offers accessible resources. For these reasons, since 2018 the TRACCE research group (Grupo PAIDI HUM-770) of the University of Granada launched the AL-MUSACTRA project. It offers a strategy of universal accessibility to heritage coordinated by institutions and cultural industries for each one of the environments that promote the dissemination of cultural heritage. In this work, the actions carried out for the development of an accessibility plan designed for the videos on the YouTube channel of the Biodome pavilion of the Granada Science Park will be presented, fully adapted to the needs of people with hearing functional diversity. To do this, we show the tools for accessing cultural heritage created through translation. They have consisted in the creation of sign guides with Spanish sign language translation and with subtitles for the deaf.


María Asunción Arrufat Pérez De Zafra
Assistant Professor, Translation and Interpreting, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain

Ainhoa Abásolo Elices
Docente, Consejería de Empleo, Centro Público de Formación para el Empleo, Spain

Silvia Martínez Martínez
Assistant Professor, Translation and Interpreting, University of Granada, Granada, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Multimodal Translation, Subtitles For The Deaf, Museum Accessibility, Sign Language