Mixed Reality in Museums: Interaction Design Grounded in Spatial and Experiential Realities for Immersive and Engaging Visitor Experiences


Computer-based digital interactive media is now normalised in museums. Mixed Reality (MR) is one of the more recent forms of digital interactive media being adopted to create experiences in museums. As MR is a medium that is dependent on the physical space, it becomes critical to consider the museum’s built environment and activities to design and develop MR-based experiences for the museum. There is a lack of current research that grounds museum-based MR in the physical and experiential realities of museums, their exhibits, and visitors. This PhD research investigates the relationship between interaction design (IxD) for MR, the spatial elements of the museum, the contextual ‘cues’ that support the visitor perception, and the exhibition environment to create effective MR experiences with natural users interfaces. By reviewing, identifying, and synthesising these ‘attributes’ within the IxD for MR experiences in museums, this study aids in delivering MR experiences that establish meaningful relationships and engagement between the visitors, MR technologies, artefacts and their surrounding space.


Abhinav Mishra
Student, PhD Student, Northumbria University, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2021 Special Focus: What Museums Post Pandemic?


Mixed Reality, Interaction Design, Museum, Visitor Experience, Research through Design