Museo Ebraico di Roma - The Jewish Museum of Rome: An Insiders Perspective


The Jewish Museum of Rome has been addressing anti-Semitism through their live on-site and virtual learning educational programs. This educational effort focuses on ensuring that learners, in particular, the many non-Jewish grade school through high school students who visit the museum are equipped with relevant knowledge, skills and competencies to understand and appreciate complex social situations, and unfounded hatred. This learning may then empower them to contribute to a culture of human rights, and to resist the stereotypes – and, most importantly, the misconceptions – possibly leading to discrimination and violence against Jews. In addition, I would like to point out and highlight the following, when it comes to selecting a Jewish Tour Guide for Rome. Museum educators from the Jewish Museum of Rome, licensed tour guides from the Jewish community of Rome, as well as scholars from Historical Archives of the Jewish Community of Rome are eminently qualified to offer specific insights into Roman Jewish history which non-Jewish tour guides and scholars are less easily able to provide.


Brenda Lee Bohen
Scholar | Licensed Tour Guide Regione di Lazio, Italy, Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership , Latina, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Jewish Museum of Rome Educators, Anti-Semitism education