The Museum Experience as a Socio-cultural Phenomenon: Design Strategies to Enhance Visitor Engagement


The paper aims to study the effects of the built environment on self-perception and identity in relation to socio-cultural, historical, and urban contexts. It also examines the effect of interactive elements in museums, on individual and social engagement, behaviour and persona. Through this study, one can arrive at design strategies to create architectural narratives and experiences that intentionally shape the user’s mental landscape. The study delves into the field of Environmental Psychology and answers questions about why individuals comprehend spaces in specific ways, how spaces and the actions and memories attached to them can have a large impact on intangible aspects of personality, socio-cultural interactions, and self-image. The study establishes the need for, and approach to, an architectural language that goes beyond the tangible. Primary data for analysis is collected from multiple verified, non-partisan sources such as online resources dedicated to topics such as human psychology, individual behaviour, social behaviour, culture, linguistics, history and urban development, research papers, books, and surveys.


Anagha Arunkumar
Student, B Arch, PES University, Karnataka, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session



