Donating Historical Items to Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums: Costs and Strategies


This study seeks to answer one fundamental question: How affordable is it for individuals to donate items to galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM)? To answer this question, this ongoing study, buys historical items from thrift shops and online auction sites with the sole purpose of donating them. After donating 50+ items to 20 different GLAM in the United States, this study has found that not only is it possible for individuals to donate items, but the costs are significantly less than one would expect. The average cost per donated item was less than 10 dollars, which includes donations to institutions such as The National Civil War Museum, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, and Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Finally, this study provides a brief overview of how one can strategically donate to maximize their item acceptance rate as well as what institutions could do to make donating easier for individuals.


Zachary Sapienza
Student, PhD Candidate, Mass Communication & Media Arts, Southern Illinois University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Collections, Donations, Preservation, Public Relations