Heirdom Capital - Unlocking Art and Culture Potential


Heirdom Capital (HC) leverages UN sustainability practices, giving birth to a new generation of sustainable art funds; redesigning the art and culture financial market. In this paper we examine the present constraints associated with the art and culture market, identifying its problems and limitations. In light of this analysis, we then propose a framework able to address the market deficiencies and introduce a number of surprising advantages in a variety of fields. In fact, the Art Market is a B64$ market, its inefficiencies are widely recognized by the literature and are negatively affecting the Art Market structure per-se, Investment strategies, and Sustainability Industries. We dissect how, in specific, the most important art players are all suffering from these dynamics. On a financial note, we go through the appealing attributes of both art as an investment as well as (ESG) responsible investing; for the solution we design spans between those categories. We discuss a number of attempts that have been made to address these issues and highlight how the results have been characterized by shortcomings. The HC complex coordination approach aligns the core incentive structure between: art professionals, investors and sustainability-oriented institutions. This, in order to generate liquidity, regulations, and transparency in a market that, if healthy, could generate indiscriminate jobs, helping achieve the 8th, 9th, and 11th of the Sustainable Development Goals while yielding profits to every player involved.


Tommaso Giambelli
Co Founder & Head of Strategy and Business Development, Heirdom Capital, Singapore


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2021 Special Focus: What Museums Post Pandemic?


Art Market, Finance, Museums, Donations, Investors, Infrastructure, SDGs, Inclusion, Sustainability