Traditional African Patterns as a Medium of Information Circulation towards Social Transformation


This paper deliberates the connection between patterns and information. It focuses on traditional African patterns and perception within the context of dialogue and information it disseminates. Attention is given to Nigerian indigenous patterns and their cultural implication. The concept of semiotics adds to the contextual development of this study. Using documentary sources and observation, the study records identified precolonial traditional patterns of selected ethnic groups in Nigeria. Particularly, the study exposes neglected patterns and their significance to the people. The potentiality of images is observed to have a great impact on individuals and society at large. The historic use of images for information by humans generally is evidenced in this study and a phenomenon in contemporary societies. The survey considers the advantages of traditional patterns in contemporary mediums of propagating information and educating the masses. This includes social media space, public areas, and coding. The study concludes by suggesting reinventing neglected indigenous traditional patterns and adopting it as a pragmatic strategy for information proclaiming. It also calls for framework activated to integrate traditional African patterns into our contemporary information systems as a viable tool towards achieving the objective of making social transformation not just in Nigeria, but globally.


Dese David Dzenda


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


African Pattern, Indigenous, Medium, Information, Propaganda, Semiotic, Educating