Narrative Progression and Framework of Video Archives in Rural Northeast China


Northeast China is a region of China whose territory has undergone many changes. It was not until the surrender of Japan in World War II that its frontier finally stabilized. In 1930, in the historical process of transition from the traditional agricultural economy to a modern industrial economy, China, as a developing country, appeared as the “urban-rural dual structure.” Around 2000, China was in the throes of transition. Under the guideline of vigorously developing the economy, China’s urbanization process is accelerating, and the population problem in northeast China is severe. We collected and sorted out video materials related to documentaries, films, and television programs related to the theme of “northeast countryside” from 1840 to the present. On this basis, we also set up a digital archive for the video of northeast villages. The creators of the rural video archives in northeast China return the marginal rural culture to human group life, and present and discuss the conflicts and reconciliation among different orientations of the rural video archives in northeast China based on emotional maintenance. We try to support the cultural confidence of northeast China in these ways.


Cicely Chen

Yang Geng


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus - Techno-storytelling: Past, Present, Future


Northeast China, Rural Culture, Rural Video Archives