Fashion Development in Central Nigeria and Foreign Influences: Photography Narratives between 1950-1980


The invention of photography in the early 19th century added value to and changed the dynamics of operations in the fashion industry. The influence of photography on social, art and fashion development was gradual and prompted by the continuous invention of new cameras, photo editing tools and the introduction of the halftone printing process. Fashion style, its evolvement, distinctiveness in central Nigeria has been captured and documented through the lenses of the photographers of the region at various times. These documentations consequently give clues to the history and trends of fashion of the tribes in the region. The paper examines the fashion documentations of selected photographers in Central Nigeria, discusses their perception, the impact of foreign culture on fashion and highlights factors that influence stylistic trends.


Ayodeji Adewunmi


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Image Work


Photography, Fashion, Perception, Documentation