Graphic Visuality, Poetic and Imaginary


The project is exploratory research based on creative processes in art and design, an approach in which the ethnographic and iconographic study of the traditional population of the Amazon is the main focus. Collaboration takes place on several levels, both conceptually and at the level of action planning, and on the ground of artistic practices themselves. The research group moved to Alter do Chão and captured on-site images and prints using analogical and technological devices. From the records were born the works, product of dialogues and individual and collective insights adding to the Amazon Project knowledge and rich poetic production. A forest is a magical place, where many meetings take place, and the Amazon, a place of unimaginable potentialities. Contact with riparian community, indigenous Munduruku who live on the banks of Tapajós River is the basis for exploratory research developed by this project. The main objective is the study and analysis of visual representations, elements that build the cultural and material identity of a people, considering their graphic imaginary and also their way of life. The focus on the artistic production inspired by the drift and immersion in a “parallel world” like the Amazon, has a lot of power and opens the doors of the enchantment, the sacred, the coexistence with the natural. The project brings several important challenges which transform a very intense immersive experience into the reality of the forest.


Celia Matsunaga


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


Amazon, Art, Design, Experience, Ethnography