An Image Based Tool for Self-assessment and Student Engagement


This paper is about a classroom assessment tool, its design, purposes and results of use. Our school is in a heavily exam-centered setting but we identify ourselves (against all marketing odds) as a language learning school and not an exam prep center. This has surprisingly been welcomed with commercial success and educational prestige. To reinforce this image of an educational institution focusing on educational and pedagogical values instead of endless exam prep classes, we use a series of formative assessment tools (portfolio, journal, PBL rubrics), reduced summative feedback and also devised a self-assessment tool that was piloted throughout this academic year. The tool is called My Photo Self-Assessment grid (MPSA) and has been used with learners from 6 to 55 years old and all levels, several times throughout the year. It tracks language development as perceived by the learner and our hypothesis is that it motivates learners towards successful language learning. Drawn from motivation theories and the role of self-assessment in promoting it, the presentation will focus on the use of the tool, student and teacher perception and evaluation of it and how future refinement and research of it can help with lexical development and fluency as well as implications for teacher role and promotion of more student-centered models. Its limitations and need for improvements will also be discussed.


Maria Davou


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Image Work


Self Assessment, Alternative Assessment, Visual Literacy, Language Development