How Much is Your Outfit? : The Brazilian Ostentation Practice in the Streetwear Discourse


The present article aims to highlight processes of signification characteristic of the fashion sphere from a discursive semiotics perspective. The object taken under investigation was the Brazilian version of the video series “How much is your outfit?.” The video is analyzed through the Generative Trajectory of Meaning to understand streetwear as a manifestation of luxury based on Barros (2011), Castilho and Martins (2005), Fiorin (2014), Landowski (1992), among others. As a result, it can be seen, through the re-statements highlighted in the different levels of the video analysis, the guilt free, hedonistic and ostentatious consumption being portrayed. There were also pointed out trademarks, behaviors and dress codes that express the characteristics of streetwear aesthetic.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Fashion, Video, Streetwear, Luxury, Discursive Semiotics, Media