Speculative Engastration: The Business of Eating and Being Eaten in Infinite Space


This study of words and images tells a strange story that cuts between fact and fiction, utilizing the form of an academic conference lecture. This paper is techno-storytelling in its free and proliferated use of the nonlocalized, hierarchically flat, ahistorically organized Google Images. This work juxtaposes dubiously sourced images with dubiously sourced words and concepts, culminating in a narrativized, speculative journey into the nonlocalized, hierarchically flat, ahistorical technology that is the Inverted Turducken. Unlike a regular turducken, an inverted turducken impossibly gets bigger (larger birds stuffed inside smaller birds) as one eats their way inward, finally finding themselves standing inside a body cavity that is as infinite as it is aromatic. In this place at the center of this turducken, a speculative engastronomer finds themselves eating while being eaten, losing their object edges in an infinite body cavity that is both absolutely full and utterly empty. This study is contextually situated within the master project Marcel Maus Hermeneutical Think Tank. The MMHTT is a crypto-fictional arts organization created and operated anonymously by Brent Everett Dickinson for the purposes of self-deterritorialization as well as instigating discourse on philosophical concepts such as power, authorship, immanence and materialism. The mode of this instigation is a weird one however, for it is framed by a precise misconstrual of those very philosophical concepts resulting in the atmospherics of dark and deconstructive comedy. The MMHTT project is based on the production, organization and distribution of art-i-facts embodied in what the MMHTT calls goods and services.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus - Techno-storytelling: Past, Present, Future


Arts, Information, Media, Interpretation