New Visions of Chinese Ink Painting: The Metropolitan City and Contemporary Hong Kong Ink Painters


The ink painting of metropolitan is a new art language established in the development of the society. It is the general trend of traditional Chinese painting after the decline of literati painting. The new artistic form of brush and ink is the creation during the process of the development of urban civilization. It covers all aspects of contemporary urban civilization including urban landscapes, urban customs, urban ecology, technological phenomena and so on. It reflects the modern scientific and technological civilization in terms of artistic life. Upholding the spirit of advancing with time, the ink painting of metropolitan absorbs some elements of the Western painting and inherits some artistic forms and connotations of traditional Chinese painting and literati painting. This paper will focus on the works of contemporary Hong Kong ink painters including Wong Chau Tung, Hung Hoi, Wong Hau Kwei and so on. During their exploration on the ink painting of metropolitan, they innovates some new art theories and painting techniques to enrich the development of the Chinese ink painting. Through studying their artworks, we can have a better understanding about the development of Chinese ink painting in contemporary time.


Ni Na Camellia Ng


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Contemporary Ink Painting, Chinese Painting, Hong Kong Ink Painters