Poiesis of Likeness: Iconography of "Acoustic Image"


The paper will offer a lingo-philosophical framework of communication patterns, derived through the operation of ekphrasis describing the making of an icon. The latter will be compared with making of a discourse as it is described by Søren Kierkegaard in his Discourse on the Imagined Occasion of Confession. Such comparison will generate a concept of the discourse of likeness evolved around the iconographic notion of an image in likeness with which all creations are brought into existence. Such image of images can be considered as a noumenal predicate of Logos, which leads the subjective discourse towards the sacred “likeness,” such that the cognitive, imaginative and semiotic trajectories of reasoning serve to outline the articulate sense of likeness with wholeness itself. The paper will represent a study of inhibited space conceived through the painted image of an icon and the acoustic image of poetic word that share a similar concept of inward movement they evoke. Such lingo-iconographic methodology of reasoning seeks to be applied as an interactive platform for the interdisciplinary discussions of multiculturalism and cross-field education system aiming to develop an integrating mindset on the dialogical confinium of logical, intuitive, sensory, and conceptual modes of reasoning.


Irina Kruchinina


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Image Work


Byzantine Iconography, Acoustic Image, Communication, Ekphrasis, Philosophy of Language