If Your House Caught Fire: Family Photographs as Catalysts for Story-telling


Representation and social justice is segregated on many levels, including generationally. My project recognizes senior members of society by presenting the opportunity to share life stories using family photographs as a catalyst. The project celebrates the diversity of senior citizens inhabiting Denver, Colorado, whether living independently or in retirement communities. Providing a platform for senior citizens to represent who they are, further reveals what we have in common, rather than what separates us. The project’s principal goal is to reveal common humanistic themes preserved within the record of family photographs. I invite participation by asking, “if your house caught fire and you could only bring one photograph, which one would it be?” Through a process of re-photographing old photographs held by their owner, with accompanying text and then exhibited collectively, what may previously have been regarded as snapshots, containing meaning for a few, is transformed into art with communal appeal. Photography, because of its magical ability to freeze time and mirror reality is the ubiquitous visual medium, and therefore, the perfect vehicle to articulate such a project.


Roddy MacInnes
Professor of Photography, School of Art and Art History, University of Denver, Colorado, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


The Image in Society

