Translation of Rhythm into Visuals


I have been painting live during Indian music festivals and from the past 7 years. After painting with a number of legendary Indian musicians and translating their moods into the visual composition I thought that it could be a unique way of becoming more sensitive and explorative. While painting their music I was also testing my own abilities to bring in rhythm in my paintings. The sync used to happen through my hand movements during the rhythmic renditions of those musicians. But it was momentary. But I wanted to freeze it as a visual. The thought about the connection to a layman made me realize that the numbers are the key factors for any rhythm if one could turn them into visuals. Experimenting with different languages I noticed that simple changes bring a big change in visuals. This whole experience brought up different compositions as visuals. This may reveal new avenues for new researches because here we are talking about only a few languages, what about other unexplored languages in the world and their numeric? Now we can imagine the volume and potential of exploration!


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


The Form of the Image


Visualization, Art