Translating Matter across Media: Reading Transrational Visual Poetry in a Digital Age


In the paper, firstly, I intend to show how the original (source) text exploits the potential of visual means of expression that push the enunciative capacities of the “language proper” to new limits. Secondly, I will try to demonstrate how the interplay between textual and visual structures of signification is translated into the language of the new media, namely, how it is transferred to a more participatory and interactive digital platform of a web-site. Thirdly, I will try to suggest a working model for describing translation strategies employed in the case of this media transfer. In my analysis, I will draw on analytical frameworks put forward by modern media theorists and scholars of modernism. Thus, I will explore the material aspects of the source text, that are also related to its visual dimension, and the way they are mediated and /or reconstituted in a modern translation into the digital domain (presumably immaterial). As a result, I will account for a model of adaptation of the source text to a new medium and its recreation (rather than just reproduction) in it.


Anna Shvets


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


"Visual Poetry", " Intermedial Translation", " Digital Media"