Local Images and Global Images in Cross-cultural Communications: The Transmission of Glocal Ideologies in New Literary Media


At the era of cultural glocalization – the blended phenomenon formed by both opposite forces of localisation and globalisation (Robertson, 1995) – the concepts of culture and related ones such as cross-cultural are criticized. Therefore, I suggest using the term glocal and specifically its loca-glocal declination (Didier, 2015, 2017) to qualify and focus on the media, communications and images emerging from a local community but accessible to a larger, global audience. Considering transculturality as a loca-global dialogue seems relevant because it integrates the liquid reality of today’s world into the practice of heritage (Harrison & Rose, 2010). The example of emergent children’s literature and the case of bilingual, loca-global tales from New-Caledonia is particularly significant: its focus was the linguistic modelling of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), combining the preservation and renewal of linguistic, cognitive and cultural representations. On the other hand, globa-local communications reflect a global strategy which aims at infiltrating local communities with global representations. This can be illustrated by globa-local commercials drawn from fairy tales discourses. Those example were chosen from the didactic activities that I developed and taught to an Australian young adults’ audience in the discipline of French for Business.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


"Image", " Stereotype", " Representation"