Artificial Intelligence and the Flipped Classroom in Translation Training: An eLearning Proposal from the TRADUTEACH Group


Translation technology has undergone rapid development over the past decade. The age of big data and corpus-based methods has ushered in the datafication of translation This innovative translation technology, driven by artificial intelligence and machine translation, is causing a transformative impact on the translation industry and, naturally, is also influencing translation training. The e-learning project titled “Flipped Classroom as a Methodological Approach for the Teaching-Learning of Machine Translation” (PIE22-124), developed by members of the Permanent Group of E-Learning in Linguistic Technologies Applied to the Teaching-Learning of Translation (TRADUTEACH), is currently being implemented during the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year at its leading university, the University of Málaga, Spain, as well as at five other Spanish universities (University of Valladolid, Alcalá, Pablo de Olavide, Cádiz, and Complutense de Madrid). This project aims to cultivate learning outcomes related to machine translation, post-editing, and artificial intelligence in a blended learning environment using the flipped classroom as the methodological approach. Preliminary results from a group of students in the Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Málaga indicate that 90.9% of students find the knowledge gained during the project implementation very useful. However, surprisingly, 63.6% of students believe that tools utilizing artificial intelligence should not be taught in Bachelor’s Degree courses on translation.


Cristina Toledo Báez
Associate Professor, Translation and Interpreting, University of Málaga (Spain), Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Artificial Intelligence, Flipped Classroom, Translation Technology, ELearning Proposal, TRADUTEACH Group