Integrating AI Tools in Second Language Writing: Pitfalls and Potential


In world language education, concerns often arise regarding the accuracy and limited learning benefits of machine translation (MT), leading to its avoidance. However, the rapid development and widespread use of MT and AI tools by learners necessitate their integration into language learning. This project, tailored for an intermediate Japanese language course at an American university, proactively incorporated MT and AI tools in second language writing (L2 writing). The final phase of the project involved the production and presentation of a digital storytelling video; however, the primary focus was on the process of revising the video script. For the script, the students completed six writing entries, including in-class drafting and revision using AI tools, such as DeepL and Chat GPT, recording each step. Post-project surveys and observations revealed the benefits and challenges specific to each tool. While all students appreciated the use of AI tools in revising, some criticized Chat GPT’s feedback as inaccurate, stemming from its inability to handle unfamiliar vocabulary and sentence structures. Additionally, instances occurred where Chat GPT flagged correct sentences as incorrect. DeepL posed a different obstacle, with correct English translations provided for some incorrect sentences that the students wrote, leading to error oversight. These results highlight the potential of AI tools in L2 writing but stress the importance of proactive teaching to leverage them effectively. By incorporating clear strategies for leveraging AI tools’ strengths and weaknesses, educators can empower learners to use these technologies for effective language learning, self-reflection, and autonomous learning.


Hisae Matsui
Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


AI Tools, DeepL, Chat GPT, Second Language Writing, Project Design