The Fine Art of Crafting Tomorrow: A Journey Into Humanity-Centered AI Design


In an era dominated by rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, the imperative for humanity-centered AI design becomes increasingly critical. My study, titled “The Fine Art Of Crafting Tomorrow: A Journey Into Humanity-Centered AI Design” takes participants into the core of AI innovation, where the focus transcends mere technological advancements to embrace and address the human experience holistically. We dive deep into the intersection of AI, ethics, and user-centricity. The presentation aims to highlight practical strategies and insights that have the potential to significantly reshape AI’s impact on society. We explore how humanity-centered AI design is not just a theoretical concept but a transformative force that is poised to redefine our interaction with technology and, more importantly, with each other. The talk emphasizes grounding participants in a mindset of positive possibility rather than one of fearful expectation. Through this lens, we examine innovative ways to apply insights from the crossroads of user needs, technology, business, and ethics. Key aspects include: 1. Ethical Frameworks in AI Design: Understanding the importance of incorporating ethical considerations in AI development to ensure that technology serves the greater good of humanity. 2. User-Centric AI Solutions: Showcasing how AI can be designed with a deep understanding of user needs, leading to more intuitive, accessible, and beneficial technological solutions. 3. Balancing Innovation and Humanity: Discussing strategies for maintaining a balance between technological innovation and human values, ensuring that AI advancements enhance rather than diminish the human experience.


Vivian Gomes
Chief Education Officer, Design, SHNORH | Academy of Art, Design and Strategy, California, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future


AI innovation,humanity,centereddesign,ethicalAI,usercentricity,technological,advancements