Innovating Islands - Dental Education Technologies for Pacific Progress: Insights for Micro-credentialing, Tele-dentistry, and AI


How can emerging education technologies expand access and quality in dental learning across resource-constrained Pacific Islands? This colloquium convenes interdisciplinary analysis on realigning understanding of tools like AI assistants, micro-credentials, and teledentistry platforms to drive progress in these overlooked contexts. Presenters will critically reframe implementation barriers and social impacts at healthcare’s intersection with education and policy. One author examines AI’s potential for improved diagnosis and treatment planning while weighing ethical risks in low-resource regions. Another explores specialized microcredentials allowing dental professionals to develop niche remote expertise. The next evaluates teledentistry models to alleviate geographical barriers hampering practitioner training and patient care. Additionally, a closing perspective weighs appropriate policy mechanisms, funding channels, and global partnerships to facilitate the balanced adoption of these technologies. Together through interpretive research grounded in literature reviews, field studies, and investigative projects, presenters renew conceptions of technological promise for advancing dental education to underserved populations. We invite attendees to participate in this collective reimagination illuminating contexts between innovation and social justice.


Tumkur Lakshmikantha Hemanth
Assistant Professor, Oral Rehabilitation, Fiji National University, Central, Fiji

Ratu Osea Gavidi
Head of Dental School / Associate Professor Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry & Oral Health, College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Fiji National University, Central, Fiji

Oripa Waqa
Assistant Professor- Oral Surgery, Department of Oral Diagnostics and Surgical Sciences, School of Dentistry & Oral Health, College of Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences, Fiji National University, Central, Fiji

Leenu Maimanuku
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Fiji National University, Central, Fiji


Presentation Type



Considering Digital Pedagogies


Teledentistry, Micro-credentials, Artificial Intelligence, Small Island Developing States, Dental Education